Joint Modeling of Death Times and Counts Using a Random Effects Model

  • 발행 : 2005.11.30


We consider the problem of modeling count data where the observation period is determined by the survival time of the individual under study. We assume random effects or frailty model to allow for a possible association between the death times and the counts. We assume that, given a random effect, the death times follow a Weibull distribution with a rate that depends on some covariates. For the counts, given the random effect, a Poisson process is assumed with the intensity depending on time and the covariates. A gamma model is assumed for the random effect. Maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters are obtained. The model is applied to data set of patients with breast cancer who received a bone marrow transplant. A model for the time to death and the number of supportive transfusions a patient received is constructed and consequences of the model are examined.



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