장년층의 시각적 특성과 선호도를 고려한 휴대폰의 디스플레이 설계에 관한 연구: 컨조인트 분석과 반응표면분석을 활용하여

A Study on Designing Mobile Phone Display in Consideration of Elder People's Optical Characteristics and Preferences: Using Conjoint Analysis and Response Surface Method

  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


This study is about designing mobile phone display in consideration of elder people's preferences by reason of their optical weakness. The research is closely connected with designing user-friendly interface by considering user characteristics. The criteria for first experiment are font sizes, font types, line spacing and background colors. With the experiment result, relative importance of each attribute and subjective preference are investigated by conjoint analysis. Secondly, an optimal display design for elder people is presented by response surface method on the basis of the result of conjoint analysis, other statistical analyses, and user interviews.
