Effect of damage on permeability and hygro-thermal behaviour of HPCs at elevated temperatures: Part 1. Experimental results

  • Gawin, D. (Department of Building Physics and Building Materials, Technical University of Lodz) ;
  • Alonso, C. (Istituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja, CSIC) ;
  • Andrade, C. (Istituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja, CSIC) ;
  • Majorana, C.E. (Department of Constructions and Transportation Engineering, University of Padua) ;
  • Pesavento, F. (Department of Constructions and Transportation Engineering, University of Padua)
  • 투고 : 2004.07.22
  • 심사 : 2005.04.02
  • 발행 : 2005.06.25


This paper presents an analysis of some experimental results concerning micro-structural tests, permeability measurements and strain-stress tests of four types of High-Performance Concrete, exposed to elevated temperatures (up to $700^{\circ}C$). These experimental results, obtained within the "HITECO" research programme are discussed and interpreted in the context of a recently developed mathematical model of hygro-thermal behaviour and degradation of concrete at high temperature, which is briefly presented in the Part 2 paper (Gawin, et al. 2005). Correlations between concrete permeability and porosity micro-structure, as well as between damage and cracks' volume, are found. An approximate decomposition of the thermally induced material damage into two parts, a chemical one related to cement dehydration process, and a thermal one due to micro-cracks' development caused by thermal strains at micro- and meso-scale, is performed. Constitutive relationships describing influence of temperature and material damage upon its intrinsic permeability at high temperature for 4 types of HPC are deduced. In the Part II of this paper (Gawin, et al. 2005) effect of two different damage-permeability coupling formulations on the results of computer simulations concerning hygro-thermo-mechanical performance of concrete wall during standard fire, is numerically analysed.



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