부산지역 고등학교 급식서비스에 대한 학생과 급식종사자의 평가

An The Evaluation of the Perception of Students and Employees for Foodservice Characteristics of in High Schools in the Busan Area

  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perception of students' and employees' perception with for their high school foodservicein Busan area. For this purpose, questionnaires were distributed among the 324 students and 93 employees in 12 high schools in the Busan area. The students assessed the importance and performance of school foodservice as 4.00/5.00 and 2.97/5.00., respectively, and T the employees assessed the importance and performance of as 4.07/5.00 and 3.77/5.00, respectively. The importance mean scores of students wereshowed significantly (p<0.01) higher scores in internal environment factor and sanitation factor than those of employees, but the performance mean scores of students wereshowed significantly (p<0.01) lower scores in all the factors than those of employees. The importance grid of students and employees showed that the items of the high with to the low with of consideration of preference in menu, appropriate the meal hours, rapidnessrapidity of service, and prompt dealing with complaints were high scores to the students, but low scores to the employees. The performance grid of students and employees showed that the items of the low with students to the high with employeesfreshness of food ingredients, offering the consistency of consistently good service, rapidnessrapidity of service, prompt dealing with complaints, communication between students and employees, and food cleanliness were low scores to the students, but high scores to the employees of dish. Therefore, it would seem to be desirable that the foodservice manager may be plans the strategies with the involvement of students in the process from planning the menu to proposinge of ideas for improvement.



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