Synthesis of Nano-Clay and The Application for Nanocomposite

나노클레이의 합성 및 나노복합재로의 응용

  • Jeong Soon-Yong (Applied Chemistry & Engineering Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) ;
  • Jeong Eon-Il (Applied Chemistry & Engineering Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology)
  • 정순용 (한국화학연구원 응용화학연구부) ;
  • 정은일 (한국화학연구원 응용화학연구부)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


Layered silicate was synthesized at hydrothermal condition from silica adding to various materials. Nano-clay was synthesized by intercaltion of various amine compounds into synthetic layered silicate. The products were analysed by XRD, SEM, and FT-IR in order to examine the condition of synthesis and intercalation. From the results, it was confirmed that kaolinite was synthesized from precipitated silica and gibbsite at $220^{\circ}C$ during 10 days, and hetorite was synthesized from silica sol at $100^{\circ}C$ during 48 h. Na-Magadiite was synthesized from silica gel at $150^{\circ}C$ during 72 h, and Na-kenyaite was synthesized from silica gel at $160^{\circ}C$ during 84 h. Nano-clay was prepared using synthetic layered silicate intercalated with various amine compounds. Kenyaite was easily intercalated by various organic compounds, and has the highest basal-spacing value among other layered silicates. Basal-spacing was changed according to the length of alkyl chain of amine comopounds. Polymer can be easily intercalated by dispersion with large space of interlayer. Finally, epoxy/nano-clay nanocomposite can be easily prepared.



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