저출산 가정의 자녀 양육상태 및 어머니의 취업여부에 따른 집단 내 비교 분석 연구

Understanding of Parenting Issues From the Families with One Child Comparisons Between the Two Groups of Mothers by Maternal Employment Status

  • 서소정 (이화여자대학교 유아교육학과)
  • Seo So-Jung (Dept. of Early Childhood Education Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


This study had a three fold-research purpose. The first research purpose was to understand parenting issues the families with one child are facing. The second purpose was to examine any differences in variables of interest in this study between the two subgroups of this study sorted by maternal employment status. Finally, this study examined which variables of interest in this study predict maternal self-efficacy. The variables of interest in this study included: 1) family demographic variables, 2) maternal self-efficacy, 3) parenting stress, 4) maternal satisfactions with contextual factors, and 5) maternal perceptions of effectiveness of birth-rate promotion policies. The sample consisted of 276 mothers selected from the one child families and the mothers sampled were asked to fill out the self-administered surveys which had been developed for the purpose of this study. The main results of this study were as follows. Overall, the mothers of this study did not have high levels of maternal self-efficacy, when SES of this sample was taken into consideration. Non-working mothers had higher levels of maternal self-efficacy than working mothers. No significant differences were found in parenting stress levels between the two subgroups. There were significant group differences in maternal perceptions of the effectiveness of birth- rate promotion policies. Furthermore, a wide range of variables was found to be a significant predictor of maternal self-efficacy. Implications were discussed.



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