An Experimental Study on the Properties of Crushed Sand in Capital Region and Concrete according to the Replacement Ratio of Crushed Sand

수도권 부순모래의 품질현황 및 부순모래 대체율에 따른 콘크리트의 특성에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2005.03.01


Generally, aggregate may limit the workability, strength and durability of concrete, and good concrete cannot be made with aggregate of bad property including low strength, bad shape and grading. But recently, it has been insufficient in quantity to collect good natural aggregate because of exhaustion of aggregate resources. In case of Korea, the using ratio of crushed stone occupies about 97 percent of total coarse aggregate, and ratio of crushed sand occupies about 18.3 percent of total fine aggregate. This is an experimental study to compare and analyze the properties of crushed sand for concrete in capital region and concrete according to the replacement ratio of crushed sand to improve quality and mix design of concrete using crushed sand. According to test results, it was found that nearly all the properties of crushed sand satisfied with the value recommended by KS. And it is recommended that FM of crushed sand should be lowered by improvement of manufacture system or grading adjustment should be used because FM of crushed sand was a bit higher.



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Cited by

  1. Evaluation on Mix Characteristics of Concrete Using Fine Sand of Nakdong-River vol.14, pp.3, 2013,