일본 지방자치단체의 분양공동주택(맨션) 관리 행정시책에 관한 연구

A Study on the Condominium Management Policies of Local Government in Japan

  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


Condominium management ask for planning ability and special knowledge in order to solve the troubles of a condominium. But all the HOA has not ability or knowledge of condominium management, so administration support to condominium management came to be given to HOA. In this study, we divided the administration policies on condominium management as follows; (1) instruction about an advertisement and a contract (2) instruction about management (3) instruction about maintenance (4) instruction by the local government (5) legislation about condominium management. Most of the condominium management policy has been programmed by government, such as legal amendments and advises by administrative inspection. But these condominium management policies have limitations to support HOA, so it is need to correspond to local government. In advanced local governments, administrative policies were materialized by the report of a housing related council. HOA: Home Owners Association
