A Study on Emotional Response of Leisure Activity

여가활동의 감성적 반응에 관한 연구

  • Ko Dong-Wan (Dept. of Tourism and Recreation, Kyonggi University)
  • 고동완 (경기대학교 관광학부 관광개발학과)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


The role of emotional responses is an important subject of study in consumer behavior. Although the perceived performance and satisfaction related emotions have been studied with increasing quantities in leisure studies or fields of outdoor recreation and tourism, issues concerning the appropriate way to measure these emotional responses remains unresolved. This article reviews the emotion measuring scales, and testify the usefulness of PAD scale based upon 349 questionnaires by users of Phoenix Park(Ski Resort) and Seoul Land(Theme Park) in Korea. It was found that, users' emotional response was closely related with satisfaction in Phoenix Park(Ski Resort); however, users' perceived performance was closely related with satisfaction in Seoul Land (Theme Park). This article argues that the meanings of these findings is due to different characteristics of consumption typology between ski resort and theme park. In conclusion, users' emotional experience may be more useful in understanding skiing activities and in formulating management strategies for ski resorts than theme parks.



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