Hu Kyoon and Maechang of Sijo

허균과 매창의 시조

  • Published : 2005.01.01


Woman is individual than social. passive than active and defensive than offensive. In addition. they taught that these characters are femine in the middle ages and the feudal ages. The closed and limited society was common to women in the feudal society. But there were many classes in women society from the humble maids to the queen in Chosun Dynasty. And Kisaeng(a singing and dancing girl) was free in comparison with the noble women. But Kisaeng were also limited as woman. They could write literary works according to the playing with poems and something like that with the men of intellectual class. But this also gave them sorrows. In the feudal Chodun Dynasty. men recognized the noble women specially and this is the special quality of Chosun. The Confucianism which was the existense thought of Chosun. discriminated between men and women. But women studied secretly and wrote poems pouring their thoughts and emotions. Maechang wrote many Shijo (Korean verse) with the delicacy description and the real expression. The reason Chosun woman Maechang could wrote Shijo which is free from the feudal limitations is that she was Kisaeng, She had a love as a Kisaeng who had to play with the intellectual men. But she loved Yu hee-kyoung. So she preserved chastity for him and waited only him. This is the love of both body and soul. And love with Hu kyoon friendship which is far from love. The limited love because of the spatial parting and the discrepancy of the social position is the most sorrowful. 10 years love with the intellectual men such as Hu kyoon is a friendship with poems. It was not love, so they had to temperate. So they love each other as a literary friend. We can see the feminist Hu kyoon, and see Hu kyoon who loved the literature and assert the renovation. Maechang was free from the chastity but she preserved it because of her proud. She dreamed the fairyland as Hunansulhun. Because she couldn't realize love. She ended her literature and Kisaeng life at 38 years old. There are literature of nansulhun as a noble woman and of rnaschang as a Kisaeng in Chosun Dynasty.

허균과 매창은 사대부와 기녀의 관계로 알게 된 사이다. 그러나. 허균은 매창을 여성 문학인으로 재능을 인정하고 평생 시우로 존경하며 사랑한 사이였다. 허균은 천재 시인, 혁명가, 이상향을 꿈꾸는 평등주의자여서 여성과 서얼을 인간으로 대접하려는 따뜻한 성품의 소유자였다. 그러한 허균이 매창을 중국에 기녀시인 설도에 비견하고 매창을 조선의 최고 기녀시인으로 손꼽는 데는 매창 시의 한 특성이 있다고 본다. 그녀의 시조는 상실감에 가득한 비애 가운데서도 임과의 재회를 꿈꾸는 소망의식이 가득한 시 의식을 지니고 있다고 본다. 또한, 그녀는 사대부와의 관계에서 나름대로 등거리 사랑을 추구하였고 그에 성공하였기 때문에 성적 욕망의 대상인 기녀 신분이면서도 성이 뒤로 앉은 정조 어린 여성으로 자리 잡아 사대부들의 존경과 시선을 한 몸에 받은 시인이었다. 허균의 폄하 발언으로 얼룩진 평가를 재평가하고, 매창의 시가 비애 의식에 머물러 있지 않고 소망의식으로 발돋움하였다는 것을 밝히고 있다.
