흡입 후 견 봉합사 거치를 통한 만성 주두 점액낭염의 치료

The Effect of Indwelling Silk Suture Following Aspiration in the Treatment of Chronic Olecranon Bursitis

  • 이봉진 (제주 한라병원 정형외과) ;
  • 이성락 (제주 한라병원 정형외과) ;
  • 김성태 (제주 한라병원 정형외과)
  • Lee Bong-Jin (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Lee Sung-Rak (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Halla General Hospital) ;
  • Kim Seong-Tae (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Halla General Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the drainage effect of silk suture following aspiration of the bursa as an early treatment of chronic olecranon bursitis. Eleven cases, which have over two weeks of history and over one year of follow-up, were investigated. The average duration of follow-up was 17.5 months. The average symptom duration was 1.8 months. With an aseptic technique, the aspiration of the bursa was done with 18gauge needle and syringe and then the insertion of silk suture through the aspiration needle was performed. The amount of drainage was regularly checked $2{\sim}3$ days interval and stitch out was done at the cessation of drainage. At the follow-up, recurrence, infection, pain, and limitation of range of motion were investigated by telephone interview. Redness around the insertion site of silk suture was found in all cases, but there was no active infection or recurrence. The results were satisfactory in all cases and the average time for recovery was 10.5 days. The drainage with silk suture following aspiration of the bursa is less invasive and very effective method in the early treatment of chronic olecranon bursitis.



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