Semantic-based Query Generation For Information Retrieval

  • Shin Seung-Eun (School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Seo Young-Hoon (School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 2005.10.01


In this paper, we describe a generation mechanism of semantic-based queries for high accuracy information retrieval and question answering. It is difficult to offer the correct retrieval result because general information retrieval systems do not analyze the semantic of user's natural language question. We analyze user's question semantically and extract semantic features, and we .generate semantic-based queries using them. These queries are generated using the se-mantic-based question analysis grammar and the query generation rule. They are represented as semantic features and grammatical morphemes that consider semantic and syntactic structure of user's questions. We evaluated our mechanism using 100 questions whose answer type is a person in the TREC-9 corpus and Web. There was a 0.28 improvement in the precision at 10 documents when semantic-based queries were used for information retrieval.
