The high rate of voltage rise (dv/dt) in motor terminals caused by high-frequency switching and impedance mismatches between inverter and motor are known as the primary causes of irregular voltage distributions and insulation breakdowns on stator windings in IGBT PWM inverter-driven induction motors. In this paper, voltage distributions in the stator windings of an induction motor driven by an IGBT PWM inverter are studied. To analyze the irregular voltages of stator windings, high frequency parameters are derived from the finite element (FE) analysis of stator slots. An equivalent circuit composed of distributed capacitances, inductance, and resistance is derived from these parameters. This equivalent circuit is then used for simulation in order to predict the voltage distributions among the turns and coils. The effects of various rising times in motor terminal voltages and cable lengths on the stator voltage distribution are also presented. For a comparison with simulations, an induction motor with taps in the stator turns was made and driven by a variable-rising time switching surge generator. The test results are shown.