Three-weeks old Commelina communis was transferred to Hoagland solution (Control, 100 μM Cd/sup 2+/, 100 μM Cd/sup 2+/ + 100 μM ABA, 100 μM Cd/sup 2+/+50 mM KCl) and grown for a week in the solution and then a number of physiological activities were investigated. In cases of Cd/sup 2+/ and Cd/sup 2+/ + ABA treatments, the growth of the plants was inhibited to 71 % and 81 %, respectively, when compared with the control, but there were no significant difference of plant growth between Cd/sup 2+/ and Cd/sup 2+/ + KCl- treated plants. In the treatments of Cd/sup 2+/, Cd/sup 2+/ + ABA and Cd/sup 2+/ + KCl total chlorophyll contents were reduced to 32%, 41% and 29%, respectively. In chlorophyll fluorescence experiments, Fv/Fm ratios were also reduced to 14∼20% and about 23%, respectively, according to the light intensity by Cd/sup 2+/ and Cd/sup 2+/+ABA-treated plants. Water stresses were increased by the treatment of Cd/sup 2+/, Cd/sup 2+/ + ABA and Cd/sup 2+/ + KCI. In Cd/sup 2+/ accumulation experiments Cd/sup 2+/ transport into the plant by ABA was not affected, but the accumulation of Cd/sup 2+/ into the roots was elevated to 13% when compared with the control. Cd/sup 2+/ transport into the root was markedly inhibited to 60% by KCl. Therefore, it could be concluded that ABA did not reduce the toxicities of Cd/sup 2+/, but enhanced Cd/sup 2+/ - induced toxicities and KCl showed no effect on Cd/sup 2+/ - induced toxicities.
3주간 정상적으로 생장한 닭의장풀을 Hoagland 용액 (대조구, 100 μM Cd/sup 2+/, 100 μM Cd/sup 2+/ + 100 μM ABA, 100 μM Cd/sup 2+/+50 mM KCl)에서 1주간 수경재배 한 후 생장, 엽록소 함량, 엽록소 형광, 수분 스트레스와 Cd/sup 2+/의 축적을 조사하여 Cd/sup 2+/ 축적과 식물의 생리적 반응과의 연관성을 찾고자 하였다. 식물의 생장에서 Cd/sup 2+/과 Cd/sup 2+/+ABA 처리구는 대조구에 비해 각각 71%와 81%생장이 감소하였고, Cd/sup 2+/+KCl 처리구는 Cd/sup 2+/ 처리구와 생장에 큰 차이가 없었다. 엽록소 함량은 Cd/sup 2+/, Cd/sup 2+/+ABA, Cd/sup 2+/+KCl 처리구에서 대조구에 비해 각각 32%, 41%, 29% 억제되었다. 엽록소 형광 측정의 경우 Cd/sup 2+/ 처리구는 대조구에 비해 모든 광도에서 Fv/Fm 비율이 14∼20% 감소하였다. Cd/sup 2+/+ABA 처리구는 Fv/Fm 비율이 23% 내외에서 감소하였으며, Cd/sup 2+/+KCl 처리구는 Cd/sup 2+/ 처리구와 Fv/Fm 비율에 큰 차이가 없었다. 수분 스트레스에 대한 Cd/sup 2+/과 ABA 처리 효과는 Cd/sup 2+/ 처리구에서 대조구에 비해 2.5배, Cd/sup 2+/+ABA 처리구에서 3배, Cd/sup 2+/+KCl 처리구에서 2.25배 각각 수분 스트레스가 증가하였다. Cd/sup 2+/ 수송에 대한 ABA의 효과를 살펴보면, Cd/sup 2+/+ABA 처리구에서 ABA는 Cd/sup 2+/ 수송을 억제하거나 촉진시키지는 않았지만 Cd/sup 2+/의 뿌리 축적을 약 13% 심화시켰다. 반면에 KCl은 뿌리 내 Cd/sup 2+/ 축적을 약 60% 억제시켰다. 따라서 대표적인 스트레스 내성 호르몬 ABA는 Cd/sup 2+/축적으로 인해 발생된 식물의 생리적 독성을 완화시켜 주지 못했으며. 오히려 독성을 증가시켰다.