위탁과 직영운영 병원의 급식 종업원들의 자가 평가에 의한 만족도 비교 연구

The Study of Self- Evaluated Employee Satisfaction Comparing Contract Foodservice and Independent Foodservice

  • 윤혜려 (호서대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 강남이 (서울보건대학 식품영양학과)
  • Yoon Hel-Ryeo (Department of Food & Nutrition, Hoseo University) ;
  • Kang Namee (Department of Food & Nutrition, Seoul Health College)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The study estimated employee satisfaction to apply TQM system to hospital foodservice management. A survey was mailed to foodservice employees of five general hospitals with more than 300 beds, three of them were independent and two of them were contract foodservice management. A total of 129 questionnaires were returned and analyzed for statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was completed using SPSS for chi-square test, t-test and Pearson's correlation. The results of this study showed that employees of contract foodservice presented higher scores than independent foodservice in interests, affection, importance of works. And achievement of work was significantly different between contract and independent foodservice employees (p < 0.05). The satisfaction of payment adequacy was lower for contract foodservice employees (p < 0.05). The employees of both contract and independent foodservice were satisfied with attitude of foodservice managers toward employee. Attitude scores of foodservice employees toward co-worker were higher in independent foodservice. Employees of independent foodservice showed higher scores for the attitude toward institution represented satisfaction. (Korean J Nutrition 38(2): 173~179, 2005)



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