5개월령의 암컷 토끼가 소양증, 탈모 및 점액화농성 안루로 내원하였다. 전신에서 경미에서 중등도 인설이 관찰되었다. 안면부, 이개내측, 사지 중수골과 중족골의 내측, 좌측슬관절 앞쪽의 탈모, 발적, 구진, 농포와 가피등의 다양한 피부병변이 나타났다. 채취된 인설의 현미경 검사에서 다수의 Cheyletiella spp가 관찰되었다. 다수의 이염색성 백혈구, 호산구 및 림프구가 세포학적 검사에서 나타났으며 곰팡이 배양검사는 음성이었다. 세균배양결과 Pasteurella spp가 검출되었다. 검사결과에 따라 Cheyletiella 피부염으로 진단하였다. 치료는 selamectin 6mg/kg을 2주 간격으로 2회 국소 적용하였으며 치료 1개월 후에 임상증상이 현저하게 경감되었고 피부병변은 대부분 정상으로 회복하였다. 따라서 selamectin의 국소적용은 토끼의 Cheyletiellosis의 치료에 효과적인 것으로 판단되었다.
An about 5-month-old, female rabbit was presented with pruritus, alopecia and mucopurulent ocular discharge. On physical examination mild to moderate scales on whole body were observed. Dermatological lesions such as alopecia, erythema, papules, pustules and crusts were observed in the eyelids, nose, inner pinna, medial sites of four feet, metacarpal and metatarsal areas, and cranial site of left stifle joint. Also, mild conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis were found. For extensive dermatologic diagnostic evaluation skin scraping, tape stripping, impression smear, combing, wood' light, bacterial culture and fungal culture were performed. Finally, Cheyletiella spp. was found by combing. Many heterophils and eosinophills were appeared in impression smear. The result of fungal culture was negative. Pasteurella spp was cultured. Definitive diagnosis of Cheyletiellosis and secondary Pasteurella spp infection were established. The rabbit was treated with 6 mg/kg of selamectin topically every two weeks and restricted in cage for one month. During one month of initial treatment, clinical signs such as pruritus, alopecia, scales, papules, pustules and crusts were remarkably improved. However, in spite of good therapeutic response of selamectin the rabbit was dead suddenly at 22 days after second administration of selamectin. This case showed that selamectin was possibly effective for cheyletiellosis in rabbit; safety of selamectin for rabbit was not identified.