금속/copper(Ⅱ)-phthalocyanine 계면에서의 Space Charge 연구

Study of Space Charge of Metal/copper(Ⅱ)-phthalocyanine Interface

  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


We report the space charge and the surface potential of the interface between metal and copper(Ⅱ)-phthalocyanine(CuPc) thin films by measuring the microwave reflection coefficients S/sub 11/ of thin films using a near-field scanning microwave microscope(NSMM). CuPc thin films were prepared on Au and Al thin films using a thermal evaporation method. Two kinds of CuPc thin films were prepared by different substrate heating conditions; one was deposited on preheated substrate at 150。C and the other was annealed after deposition. The microwave reflection coefficients S/sub 11/ of CuPc thin films were changed by the dependence on grain alignment due to heat treatment conditions and depended on thickness of CuPc thin films. Electrical conductivity of interface between metal and organic CuPc was changed by the space charge of the interface. By comparing reflection coefficient S/sub 11/ we observed the electrical conductivity changes of CuPc thin films by the changes of surface potential and space charge at the interface.



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