ERP시스템 도입기업과 미도입기업의 회계투명성 관련 재무적 특성

A Study on the Accounting Transparency Financial Characteristics between ERP Systems Implementation and Non Implementation Companies

  • 최현돌 (대구대학교 회계정보학과) ;
  • 이장형 (대구대학교 회계정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


ERP systems are comprehensive sorfware packages that seek to integrate the complete range of lbusiness processes and functions in order to present a heuristic perspectives of a firm from a single information and information technlogy architecture. The ERP systems have delicate internal controls with built-in devices. It is known that the delicate internal controls help to enhance the accounting transparency. We empirically investigate the relationship between the ERP systems inplementations and an accounting transparency. In order to measure the accounting transparency differences, we compare the ERP systems implementation firms with firms which did not implement the ERP systems by 6 financial ratios (accruals, net profit margin, operation cash folo to sales, total debt to equity, accounts receivable changes, assets quality). Data are collecte from 135 firms implemented the ERP systems and 135 firms non-implemented the systems (the firms listed in the Korea Stock Exchange). We analyze financial statements from 270 firms for the period 2001-2003 to ezamine the 6 financial ratios differences. The results of 810 firms analyses over the 3-year period indicate that the ERP systems implementation firms show the statistically significant differences in the accrual ratio, the net profit margin ratio, operating cash flow to sales ratio, and total debt to equity ratio from the ERP systems non-implementation firms. But there is statistically no differences between the two groups for accounts receivable changes to sales ratio and assets quality.
