IT중소벤처 유의적 기술평가항목추출에 관한 실증연구

An Empirical Study on extracting significant technology valuation index of IT SMES

  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


The objective of the study is to verify the discriminatory power of valuation indexes in predicting IT small and medium sized manufacturing firms' going concern or firms' failure. The result of the study is expected to be useful in loan evaluation, investment decision, internal management decision making and business improvement. The results of study is as follows. First, we find that at least six valuation index elements are significant ex-ante variable which are discriminating between firms' going concern and firms' failure in IT small and medium sized manufacturing firms in various analysis' results. Second, these index elements are composed of 2 indexes-the ability of technology R&D, the efficient strategy of market penetration and six index elements explain 46% of the total variance. This explainable power of these indexed is similar to that of the existing 16 index elements. Finally, we find that the most important success factor of IT small and medium sized manufacturing firms are the ability of technology R&D and the efficient strategy of market penetration.
