초등학교 급식의 비빔밥 생산과정에 따른 미생물적 품질평가

Microbiological Quality Assessment of Bibimbap Production Flow in Elementary School Foodservice

  • Kim, Bok-Ran (Dept. oh Home Economics Education, Kangwon National Univ.) ;
  • Chae, Sung-Ju (Dept. oh Home Economics Education, Kangwon National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2005.01.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality and assure the hygienic safety of the Bibimbap production in elementary school foodservice in accordance with the HACCP(Hazzard Analysis Critical Control Point) program. The time-temperature relationship and the microbiological quality(total plate count and coliform bacteria count) were assessed to find the critical control point(CCP) during each of the production phase. In the pre-preparation phase, the risk factors of the raw ingredients exceeded the standard level suggested by Solberg et al. Mungbean starch jelly, egg and Kochujang were satisfactory in that no coliform groups were observed over the standard TPC level. In particular, there was a high the risk of beef from the early stages in terms of the coliform level. In the pre-preparation phase, green pumpkin had more coliform groups than the standard level even after washed, which calls for special attention to washing, sterilization, secondary infection of the handler, and the required time for pre-preparation of raw vegetables. In the cooking phase, the temperature of the soybean sprout and mungbean starch jelly decreased to 42$^{\circ}C$ and 26$^{\circ}C$, respectively, which was within the risk zone. In particular, mungbean starch jelly had a great risk factor even after boiling in hot water. During the storage stage before serving, a lot of ingredients were exposed to poor management of temperature and time and thus exceeded the standard level in the total plate counts. In particular, the microbiological count of beef was five times the standard level. Green pumpkins and soybean sprouts were left at 15-38$^{\circ}C$ that is within the risk zone for a long period of time after they were cooked. It is highly recommended that the time of the storage stage before consumption should be shortened and that proper devices should be used to prevent proliferation of bacteria. The number of TPC of the utensils was satisfactory enough, but the knife used exceeded the standard level and thus was a risk factor of bacteria proliferation.



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