Electrorheological Properties of Chitin and Chitosan Suspensions

  • Choi, Ung-Su (Tribology center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


The electrorheological properties pertaining to the electrorheological (ER) bebaviour of chitin and chitosan suspensions in silicone oil were investigated. Chitosan suspension showed a typical ER response (Bingham flow behavior) upon application of an electric field, while chitin suspension acted as a Newtonian fluid. The difference in behaior results from the difference in the conductivity of the chitin and chitosan particles, even though they have a similar chemical structure. The shear stress for the chitosan suspension exhibited a linear dependence on the volume fraction of particles and a 1.18 power of the electric field. The experimental results for the chitosan suspension correlated with the conduction model for ER response.



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