카페 인테리어 디자인의 감성적 선호도에 관한 연구

A Study of Emotional Preference in Cafe Interior Design

  • 서형수 (삼척대학교 건축학과) ;
  • 김효남 (관동대학교 인테리어디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


The atmosphere of a caf is one of the most important elements for cafe interior design since it is linked directly with profit. As human sensibility ergonomics which is recently signified In various fields is an attempt to quantitatively analyze factors of human sensibility and apply it to design operation, it can be apt for analyzing caf atmosphere. Employing human sensibility ergonomics this study examined issues to be considered for preferred caf interior design. The outcome of this study indicated that the most significant caf design factors are "'style', 'artificiality' and 'enjoyment'. It also suggested a design guideline by evaluating features of each factor. Constructing a successful interior design can be achieved by applying this design guideline.



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