한국철도사에 관한 기초연구 - 연속성과 단절을 중심으로 -

A Fundamental Study on the Korea Rail History -Focused on Continuity and Severance-

  • 발행 : 2005.02.01


In this Paper, Ⅰ illustrate the continuity and severance of Korean railroad. The Korean railroad has been running for 105 years now since it started operation in 1899. Between 1905 and 1945, Japan's imperial government ruled Korea including operations of the railroad. After Korea restored its sovereignty, Korean nationals managed the Korean railroad with our own ability and strategies. At present, we can examine the effect of railroad in perspective of continuity and severance respectively. For one thing, the concept of continuity is described as influence or railroad still remains. For another, the severance shows facts and phenomena that are broken off. I have come up with some facts that are involved with continuity. For example, infrastructure and the formation of cities and land spaces are connected with the sequence. Futhermore, the railroad has made a huge dent in modernization and expedition of movement. In the course of tracing down the facts, I classified the concept of severance : the separation of South and North Korea, drastic changes in transport policy, operations and characteristics. Finally technology has brought about a major breakthrough with the development of Koran high speed rail.



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