Suggestions for E-Learning Based on Four Years of Cyber University Experience

  • Published : 2005.04.30


E-Learning is widely introduced with cyber universities in Korea from 2001 whencyber universities were first authorized by the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development. E-learning amplified by cyber university gave a big impact in the campus based university which became the cause for the educational paradigm shift. The changes of status of cyber university shows important trend in college education which was analyzed by enrollment rate, types of cyber university, demography, and study areas. The enrollment rate of cyber universities is ever since 2001 and variety of study areas gives popularity to students. The demography of students is as expected older than traditional students. Female students at the cyber university outnumbered that at campus based university in Korea. For analyzing the trend of e-learning in Korea, there were studies twice in 2001 May-June from 213 faculty members and staff, 630 students and in 2004 May-June with 401 students. Most of e-learning students tent to spend less time yet, students feel more burden with e-learning. Professors tend to load more materials for the e-learning in 2001but in 2004 study, the difference no longer exists. Professors and students feel the academic achievement through e-learning is not as good as from the traditional classes. Difficulties for e-learning in 2001 were the lack of administrative information but in 2004, boring contents and lack of instructional strategies for e-learning. Technical problems still do exist but less serious. Suggestions for e-learning are blended learning, online students prefer video streaming with their own lecturer, new definition of instructor is needed, professional development for content development and online instruction is needed, success story of online learning should be encouraged, guidance for online students needed. The cyber university experiencegave a positive impact on the traditional universities such as rethinking the roles of universities, the quality control of classes, professional development, student oriented educational service of e-learning pedagogy.
