장기요양 서비스를 누가, 얼마나, 얼마에 원하고 있는가? - 장기요양 서비스의 욕구와 결정요인 및 지불의사금액 -

The Want, its Determinants and the Willingness to Pay of the Long Term Care Service

  • 김현철 (서울대학교 보건대학원, 한국보건사회연구원 건강증진사업지원단) ;
  • 홍나래 (한림대학교 신경정신과학교실) ;
  • 연병길 (한림대학교 신경정신과학교실) ;
  • 박태규 (연세대학교 경제학과) ;
  • 정우진 (연세대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 정진욱 (연세대학교 경제학과)
  • Kim Hyun Cheol (Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Management Center for Health Promotion, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs) ;
  • Hong Narei (Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University) ;
  • Yeon Byeong Kil (Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University) ;
  • Park Tae-Kyu (Department of Economics, Yonsei University) ;
  • Chung Woo Jin (Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University) ;
  • Jeong Jin Ook (Department of Economics, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Before introducing the national long-term care insurance in 2008, the want for long term care service has to be estimated and analysed. This study estimates the demand and analyses what determines the want of long term care service. This study investigated data of 3f6 elderlies, that was collected by age stratified random sampling. The elderies resided in Onyang 4 - dong (urban area) and Dogo-myun (rural area) In the city of Asan. The researchers visited the elderlies and their care giver, and assessed their demand for the long term care service and examined physical, mental, socio-economic status by the assessment tools for Korean Long-Term Care System. $64\%$ of the those who are entitled to be served refuse the long term care service. $26.7\%$ of them wants for home care service and $7.9\%$ want facility care service. It is estimated that the want of home care service are three or four times as much as that of facility care service. The demand for long term care service is 5.155 times higher for those who live in rural area (p=0.000), 3.040 times higher for those who do not have spouse(p=0.057), and 3.356 times higher for the people who is in medicaid than medical insurance(p=0.029). However, income(p=0.782), means(p=0.614), living alone(p=0.223), number of family to live with (p=0.341) and age of the elderly(p=0.420) are not related with the demand of long term care service. The assessment tools for Korean Long-Term Care System for need evaluation of the long term care service can reflect the demand well.(p=0.024) If medical care will cover $80\%$ of total cost, the willingness to pay of the out of pocket money of the people with medical insurance is 67,400 Korean Won(66.77 US$) for the home care service and 182,500 Korean Won(180.78 US$) for the facility care service. There is possibility that long term care demand is still small after Introducing the long term care Insurance due to the care given by family members. When developing service delivery system of long term care insurance, rural area has to be given more consideration than urban area because of the higher demand. The people who do not have spouse or are in medicaid have to be given special consideration as well.



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