전구의 밝기에 대한 초등 예비교사의 가설 검증 활동

Pre-service Primary Teachers' Justification of their Hypotheses about the Brightness of Electric Bulbs

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of pre-service primary teachers' justifying their hypotheses about the brightness of electric bulbs. They conducted their experiments and wrote their experimental results and ideas on their worksheets. The worksheets for generating and evaluating scientific hypothesis were analyzed. Most of them generated the consumption hypothesis and designed the experiments to confirm their hypotheses or directly measure without the change of experimental conditions. The responses for valid experimental designs were $74\%$ of total responses. The $62\%$ of total responses was valid prediction for experimental results. The $60\%$ of pre-service teachers described the experimental results correctly. But other teachers described the biased results or inappropriate results. The $54\%$ of them refuted hypotheses and the $36\%$ confirmed their hypotheses. The theory-based responses were $51\%$ and the evidence-based responses were $47\%$. The $64\%$ of them proposed the possibility of the alternative hypothesis after testing their hypotheses. This study also discussed the implications of these findings for teaching and Loaming in science education.
