수학 수업을 보는 관점으로서의 은유

Metaphors on Mathematics Teaching

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


본 논문은 수학 수업을 보는 관점으로서 은유에 대한 연구를 살펴보고, 본 연구자 자신이며 초등교사인 [나]를 설정하여 수학 수업에 대한 은유의 사례를 밝혀보았다. 첫째로 은유는 하나의 수사법으로서가 아니라 사고양식으로 보려는 현대 은유이론의 흐름을 개관하고, 둘째로 수학 수업을 은유로서 해석하려는 수학교육의 연구들을 소개하였다. 끝으로 수학 수업의 은유를 밝히는 사례로서, 초등교사인 연구자 자신을 Mee1, Mee2, Mee3으로 시기를 구분하여 수학 수업의 은유를 추출하였다. Mee1의 수학 수업은 [모험], Mee2의 수학 수업은 [숨바꼭질], Mee3의 수학 수업은 [불꽃놀이]라는 은유를 찾을 수 있었으며, 세 시기의 수학 수업의 은유 분석 을 통하여 초등교사 [나]의 수학 수업에 대한 생각의 변화 과정을 살펴보았다.

The purpose of this study was to investigate mathematics teaching of an elementary school teacher and to understand the meaning of it. This study was a qualitative case study using by analyzing metaphors. The notion of metaphors was newly set up. Traditionally, it had been regarded as a mere tool for better understanding, but it was recognized as the primary source of all of our concept(Sfard, 1998). The subject of this case study was a researcher 'I' and also an elementary school teacher. The three selves named Mee1, Mee2, Mee3, respectively. Mee1 was the 'I' who developed the 4th graders' activities on mathematical patterns in 1996 and wrote mathematics textbook for the 4th graders in 1998-1999. Mee2 was the 'I' who taught mathematical patterns to her students in 2002. Mee3 was the 'I' who criticized the teaching of Mee2 in 2005. [ADVENTURE], [HIDE-AND-SEEK], and [FIREWORKS DISPLAY] were deter-mined to be key metaphors of mathematics teaching. [ADVENTURE] of Mee] was focused on profound understanding of mathematics, [HIDE-AND-SEEK] of Mee2 on construction of mathematics, and [FIRE-WORKS DISPLAY] of Mee3 on making meaning and participating in communities. Studies of metaphors give us the power of understanding mathematics teaching and also generate it. And viewing mathematics teaching via metaphors makes teaching studies open to new ways.
