System for Nutrition Counseling and Screening

  • Hong Soon-Myung (Department of Food & Nutrition, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Kim Gon (School of Computer & Information Technology, University of Ulsan)
  • Published : 2005.12.01


The studies on nutrition counseling and screening have been based on stand-alone program. This study introduces the nutrition counseling and screening management system. This system offers convenient user interface and the synthetic results of counseling and screening with various utilities, The system for nutrition counseling and screening consists of the general information of clients, the anthropometry data, the calculation of obesity and body mass index, the state of eating habits, the computation of calorie expenditure, the clinical symptoms, the convenient method for analysis of calorie and nutrients, nutrition prescription and alcoholism screening tests. Having interoperability, these functions preserve the information of clients and manage the historical data. The system inserts, stores and generates the synthetic information of clients, so it is able to provide suitable and efficient counseling to clients. The proposed system gathers various information of clients. With accumulated client data, it does the nutrition education, screening and counseling simultaneously. Managing clients' information connected to database, it can provide systematic and formal information. It is possible for the system to retrieve information and counsel in real time. It is expected that the nutrition counseling management system can improve the national health with animated nutrition counseling. (J Community Nutrition 7(4) : $220\∼229$, 2005)
