생물다양성 자료의 데이터베이스화와 온라인 관리시스템 및 분석도구 구축에 관한 연구

A Study on the Construction of Database, Online Management System, and Analysis Instrument for Biological Diversity Data

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


The management of data on biological diversity is presently complex and confusing. This study was initiated to construct a database so that such data could be stored in a data management, and analysis instrument to correct the problems inherent in the current incoherent storage methods. MySQL was used in DBMS(DataBase Management System), and the program was basically produced using Java technology Also, the program was developed so people could adapt to the requirements that are changing every minute. We hope this was accomplished by modifying easily and quickly the advanced programming technology and patterns. To this end, an effective and flexible database schema was devised to store and analyze diversity databases. Even users with no knowledge of databases should be able to access this management instrument and easily manage the database through the World Wide Web. On a basis of databases stored in this manner, it could become routinely used for various databases using this analysis instrument supplied on the World Wide Web. Supplying the derived results by using a simple table and making results visible using simple charts, researchers could easily adapt these methods to various data analyses. As the diversity data was stored in a database, not in a general file, this study makes the precise, error-free and high -quality storage in a consistent manner. The methods proposed here should also minimize the errors that might appear in each data search, data movement, or data conversion by supplying management instrumentation on the Web. Also, this study was to deduce the various results to the level we required and execute the comparative analysis without the lengthy time necessary to supply the analytical instrument with similar results as provided by various other methods of analysis. The results of this research may be summerized as follows: 1)This study suggests methods of storage by giving consistency to diversity data. 2)This study prepared a suggested foundation for comparative analysis of various data. 3)It may suggest further research, which could lead to more and better standardization of diversity data and to better methods for predicting changes in species diversity.



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