블렌디드 학습, 온라인 학습, 오프라인 학습의 학업성취도와 학습만족도 비교

The Comparison of the learning achievement and learning satisfaction Between in the Blended Class and Online Class and Offline Class

  • 발행 : 2005.03.31


Many problems with the offline class, which is the traditional education type in corporations or universities, were indicated and people hoped that e-learning, which is web-based instruction, would solve these problems. However, e-learning also has weak points in that it should be self-paced and media-based in many ways. Therefore, when considering the good and weak points of offline classes and e-learning, blended learning seems to be necessary. Until now, blended learning has usually been used in corporations, and there have been almost no studies on the effectiveness or management of blended learning in universities. Thus, in this study, I would like to design blended classes, manage them at the level of university classes, and verify the effectiveness of blended classes, by comparing academic achievement, student participation, and student satisfaction. The subject students who signed up for Computer & Technology at C University in 2005 were divided into three study groups: offline class, online class, and blended class. The offline class was taught using the traditional class teaching method. For the online class and the blended class, multimedia contents were developed and a different LMS was used. The results of 13 weeks of teaching are as follows. For the academic achievement in the offline, online and blended classes, there was no statistically significant difference (f=2.387, p=.096). But when comparing the average achievement, the average of the blended class was higher than that of the other classes, so that it can be said that the blended class has positive effects on academic achievement. Second, when comparing the learners' participation in the online class and the blended class, the total posts were 85 and 138 respectively, which shows a considerable difference. The hit counts for each post in the online class and the blended class are 10 and 20, respectively. Moreover, the login counts for subjects are 3 in the online class and 4 in the blended class. In the questionnaire for the students' academic satisfaction in the online class and the blended class, all of the 15 items showed higher satisfaction in the blended class. Considering all these results, if adequate media are properly combined, the blended class is better than either the pure online class or the pure offline class.



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