Proposal's analysis of major fishing countries and Countermeasures under WTO/DDA

각국 제안서에 따른 WTO/DDA 수산보조금 대응 방안

  • Lee, Kwang-Nam (Korea Fisheries Association, Fisheries Policy Institution) ;
  • Seo, Byung-Kwi (Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology)
  • 이광남 (한국수산회 수산정책연구소) ;
  • 서병귀 (한국해양수산연수원)
  • Received : 2005.10.04
  • Accepted : 2005.10.25
  • Published : 2005.12.30


The WTO/DDA Negotiation on the Fisheries Subsidies started by DDA(Doha Development Agenda : 2001.11)at early 2002 has been held about 20 times until the fist half of 2005. The Negotiation will be terminated until the end of 2005 but now, it is impossible to predict the exact conclusion of the Negotiation. There is a sharp conflict of opinion on the WTO/DDA Negotiation on the Fisheries Subsidies between FFG(Fish Friends Groups : USA, New Zealand etc) and Anti-FFG(Rep. Korea, Japan etc). The Fisheries Subsidies is regulated by the WTO/DDA Negotiation that regulates on the subsidies of industrial products, fisheries products, forest products. Considering the progress of the WTO/DDA Negotiation on the Fisheries Subsidies, Guidelines for the Fisheries Subsidies Negotiation were established in Doha Ministerial Declaration at 2001 and a necessity of a special regulation on the Fisheries Subsidies has been discussed from 2002 to 2004. After june, 2004, the Negotiation was proceeding as Rep. Korea, Japan and Taiwan agreed with discussing a special regulation on the Fisheries Subsidies and At 1st, August, 2004, they reached an agreement on a necessity of a special regulation on the Fisheries Subsidies. At Feb, 2005, discussion was suspended because of presenting the joint proposal from 3 countries(Rep. Korea, Japan and Taiwan) and now discussion on the Fisheries Subsidies is giving the first consideration to classification of prohibited/non-actionable subsidies, S&D of a developing countries, small fisheries, problems of farming, grace period etc. From now on, Considering the 18th~the 20th negotiations, it is expected that discussion of fisheries subsidies regulation including property and range of prohibited/non-actionable subsidies, S&D of a developing countries, a definition of small fisheries is accelerated. In this point of view, this paper analyzed and arranged every country's proposals holding our own position and took a survey to fishermen and fisheries experts about prohibited/non-actionable subsidies. In addition, this paper intends to suggest the way of future-negotiation and provides essential data to help government's policy making through analyzing prohibited/ non-actionable subsidies, farming subsidies, S&D of a developing countries, small scale fisheries.



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