Campers' Place Bonding: a Case Study in Worak-san National Park

  • Shin, Won Sop (School of Forest Resources, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Bum Soo (Department of Forest Science, Konkuk University)
  • 투고 : 2004.10.25
  • 심사 : 2004.11.08
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


Place bonding, defined as the extent to which a person values or identifies with a particular environment, has focused as a research topic recently. This paper investigates the dimensions of place bonding for Worak-san National Park campers to enhance managers' ability to address deeper landscape meanings. Worak-san National Park campers (n=416) were surveyed during summer and fall of 2004 to collect the data. Confirmatory factor analysis of the data demonstrated that place bonding was composed of four dimensions such as place identity, familiarity, place dependence and place belongingness. The results of this study can provide valuation information for developing management actions to enhance park visitors' quality of recreational experiences.



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