B형 간염예방에 대한 교육매체의 효과 - 중․고등학생을 대상으로 -

Effect of Educational Materials for Preventing Hepatitis B

  • 김매자 (서울대학교 간호대학 교수) ;
  • 신계영 (신흥대학 간호과 전임강사) ;
  • 장애경 (서울대학교 간호대학 박사과정생) ;
  • 서민희 (서울대학교 간호대학 석사과정생)
  • Kim, Mae-Ja (Professor, College of nursing, Seoul national University) ;
  • Shin, Gye-Young (Instructor, Department of Nursing Shinheung College) ;
  • Jang, Ae-Kyung (Doctoral candidate, College of nursing, Seoul national University) ;
  • Suh, Min-Hee (Graduate student, College of nursing, Seoul national University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Purpose: Our research team developed two types of hepatitis B prevention materials: video tape and leaflet. We showed them to two groups of subjects separately, and the effect of education was compared to find out a more effective educational material for preventing hepatitis B. Method: Students at a middle school and a high school, one class for each school year, participated in the five areas of this study. They were educated for hepatitis management using the video tape and the leaflet. Before and after the education, they were tested for knowledge on hepatitis and health belief to analyze the effect of education. Results: 1) The video tape was more effective than the leaflet in delivering hepatitis knowledge and enhancing sensitivity & severity in health belief. 2) Hepatitis knowledge was improved significantly after the education. 3) Sensitivity & severity in health belief was improved significantly after the education. 4) Benefit in health belief was improved significantly after the education. 5) Barrier in health belief decreased significantly after the education. 6) There was a correlation between hepatitis knowledge, sensitivity & severity in health belief and benefit in health belief. Conclusion: We suggest that for preventing hepatitis B it would be helpful to educate students in middle school and high school face to face with educational materials.



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