Potential of the Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping Using Crossbred Population

  • Yang, Shulin (Department of Gene and Animal Cell Engineering, Institute of Animal Science Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)) ;
  • Zhu, Zhengmao (Department of Gene and Animal Cell Engineering, Institute of Animal Science Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)) ;
  • Li, Kui (Department of Gene and Animal Cell Engineering, Institute of Animal Science Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS))
  • 투고 : 2004.09.26
  • 심사 : 2005.05.17
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


In the process of crossbreeding, the linkage disequilibria between the quantitative trait loci (QTL) and their linked markers were reduced gradually with increasing generations. To study the potential of QTL mapping using the crossbred population, we presented a mixed effect model that treated the mean allelic value of the different founder populations as the fixed effect and the allelic deviation from the population mean as random effect. It was assumed that there were fifty QTLs having effect on the trait variation, the population mean and variance were divided to each QTL in founder generation in our model. Only the additive effect was considered in this model for simulation. Six schemes (S1-S6) of crossbreeding were studied. The selection index was used to evaluate the synthetic breeding value of two traits of the individual in the scheme of S2, S4 and S6, and the individuals with high selection index were chosen as the parents of the next generation. Random selection was used in the scheme of S1, S3 and S5. In this study, we premised a QTL explained 40% of the genetic variance was located in a region of 20 cM by the linkage analysis previously. The log likelihood ratio (log LR) was calculated to determine the presence of a QTL at the particular chromosomal position in each of the generations from the fourth to twentieth. The profiles of log LR and the number of the highest log LR located in the region of 5, 10 and 20 cM were compared between different generations and schemes. The profiles and the correct number reduced gradually with the generations increasing in the schemes of S2, S4 and S6, but both of them increased in the schemes of S1, S3 and S5. From the results, we concluded that the crossbreeding population undergoing random selection was suitable for improving the resolution of QTL mapping. Even experiencing index selection, there was still enough variation existing within the crossbred population before the fourteenth generation that could be used to refine the location of QTL in the chromosome region.



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피인용 문헌

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