Study for Biological Denitrification of High-Strength Nitrate and Nitrite Industrial Wastewater

고농도 질산 및 아질산성 질소 함유 폐수의 생물학적 탈질에 관한 연구

  • 이병희 (경기대학교 토목환경공학부)
  • Received : 2005.04.26
  • Accepted : 2005.08.01
  • Published : 2005.08.15


An economic treatment method to remove oxidized nitrogen from wastewater is biological denitrification with organic matters. Several organics can be used, however, methanol is commonly used. When methanol is provided, M:N (Methanol to Nitrogen) ratio is used to define methanol demand for denitrification. In this study, two artificial wastewaters were provided to a biological system to evaluate denitrification performance. Differences of influent total CODcr from effluent soluble CODcr were converted to methanol equivalent and oxidized nitrogen difference between influent and effluent were converted to nitrate equivalent to define M:N ratios. Modes I, II, III, I-1 and IV showed 5.1, 2.7, 3.3, 2.3 and 2.6 of M:N ratios, respectively. Since denitrifying microorganisms had to build a new metabolic system for methanol and influent organics, initial operation mode, Mode I, required more methanol and this resulted in high M:N ratios compared with later operation mode, Mode I-1. Salt in influent did not show inhibitory effects on denitrfication, although this was believed to increase effluent SS and soluble CODcr concentrations in Mode III, I-1 and IV, respectively. The concentrations of effluent soluble $COD_{Mn}$ did not changed much with influent salt.



Supported by : 경기대학교


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