이변량 정규모형 하에서 연속생산형 스크리닝 절차의 설계

Design of a Continuous Screening Procedure in the Bivariate Normal Model

  • 홍성훈 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과)
  • Hong, Sung Hoon (Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.30


A quality inspection procedure interchangeably using the performance and surrogate variables is proposed. At the start of the inspection, the continuous performance variable is measured for all items. As soon as iconsecutive items are found to be conforming, the continuous surrogate variable is measured instead of the performance variable. If an item is rejected, the inspection based on the performance variable is resumed. It is assumed that the performance variable and the surrogate variable are jointly normally distributed with known means and standard deviations. The average outgoing quality (AOQ) expression is derived, and the methods of finding the inspection procedure with a specified average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) are presented.



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