Endo-1,4-β-xylanase B from Aspergillus cf. niger BCC14405 Isolated in Thailand: Purification, Characterization and Gene Isolation

  • 발행 : 2005.01.31


During the screening of xylanolytic enzymes from locally isolated fungi, one strain BCC14405, exhibited high enzyme activity with thermostability. This fugal strain was identified as Aspergillus cf. niger based on its morphological characteristics and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. An enzyme with xylanolytic activity from BCC14405 was later purified and characterized. It was found to have a molecular mass of ca. 21 kDa, an optimal pH of 5.0, and an optimal temperature of $55^{\circ}C$. When tested using xylan from birchwood, it showed $K_m$ and $V_{max}$ values of 8.9 mg/ml and 11,100 U/mg, respectively. The enzyme was inhibited by $CuSO_4$, EDTA, and by $FeSO_4$. The homology of the 20-residue N-terminal protein sequence showed that the enzyme was an endo-1,4-$\beta$-xylanase. The full-length gene encoding endo-1,4-$\beta$-xylanase from BCC14405 was obtained by PCR amplification of its cDNA. The gene contained an open reading frame of 678 bp, encoding a 225 amino acid protein, which was identical to the endo-1,4-$\^{a}$-xylanase B previously identified in A. niger.



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