Grim Stimulates Diap1 Poly-Ubiquitination by Binding to UbcD1

  • Yoo, Soon Ji (Department of Biology, Kyung Hee University)
  • 투고 : 2005.10.21
  • 심사 : 2005.10.24
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


Diap1 is an essential Drosophila cell death regulator that binds to caspases and inhibits their activity. Reaper, Grim and Hid each antagonize Diap1 by binding to its BIR domain, activating the caspases and eventually causing cell death. Reaper and Hid induce cell death in a Ring-dependent manner by stimulating Diap1 auto-ubiquitination and degradation. It was not clear that how Grim causes the ubiquitination and degradation of Diap1 in Grim-dependent cell death. We found that Grim stimulates poly-ubiquitination of Diap1 in the presence of UbcD1 and that it binds to UbcD1 in a GST pull-down assay, so presumably promoting Diap1 degradation. The possibility that dBruce is another E2 interacting with Diap1 was examined. The UBC domain of dBruce slightly stimulated poly-ubiquitination of Diap1 in Drosophila extracts but not in the reconstitution assay. However Grim did not stimulate Diap1 poly-ubiquitination in the presence of the UBC domain of dBruce. Taken together, these results suggest that Grim stimulates the poly-ubiquitination and presumably degradation of Diap1 in a novel way by binding to UbcD1 but not to the UBC domain of dBruce as an E2.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : Kyung Hee University


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