Optimum Weight in Spline for Surface Model

  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The digital surface model (DSM) is used for several purposes in photogrammetry, remote sensing and laser scanned data such as orthoimage production, contours erivation, extraction of height information. Creation of a surface model from point-clouds (3-D sparse points) that can be derived from stereo imagery and range data (e.g. laser scanned data) can be done with several mathematical interpolation models. In this paper, thin-plate-spline (TPS) is used for digital surface modeling. Determination of suitable weight is an important problem in thin-plate function for a surface. The Voronoi algorithm has been proposed as a method for determination of the weight in thin-plate-spline. In this paper, methods has been tested for different surfaces. The results show that thin-plate-spline can be independent of weight.



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