- 어머니의 전통 근대 가치관 및 양육행동과 아동의 사회적 행동 김지신
- 아동의 사회적 능력과 관련된 제 변이네 관한 연구 김정아
- 중학생의 학교적응, 학업성취, 정서 및 문제행동의 관계 노숙영
- 아동학회지 v.23 no.5 아버지의 양육행동과 남아의 공격성간의 관계 및 세대간 전이 박성연
- 대한가정학회지 v.40 no.8 아버지의 양육행동 및 남아의 정서조절 능력과 공격성간의 관계 박혜경;박성연
- 부모의 양육행동 및 여아의 정서조절 능력이 여아의 공격성에 미치는 영향 서지영
- 대한가정학회지 v.39 no.3 타인 양육 영아의 정서조절 : 격리 및 타인 양육특성과 어머니 및 영아특성의 영향 양연숙;조복희
- 관계지향 공격성 및 외현화 공격성과 심리 사회적 적응과의 관계 : 초등학생과 중학생을 대상으로 이경희
- 대한가정학회지 v.40 no.1 어머니의 양육태도 및 아동의 정서조절 능력과 또래 유능성간의 관계 임연진
- 아동학회지 v.23 no.1 어머니가 지각한 아동의 기질, 어머니의 정서조절 및 양육행동과 아동의 정서조절간의 관계 임희수;박성연
- Jouranl of Personality and Social psychology v.51 The moderator-mediator variables distinction in social psychological research : conceptual, strategic, and statistical consideration Baron, R.;Kenny, D.
- The impact of peer realtionships on aggression in childhood : Inhibition through coercion or promotion through peer support;Coercion and punishmnet in long-term perspectives BoIvin, M.;Vitaro, F.;MoCord, J.(ed.)
- Parenting infants;Handbook of parenting Bornstein, M.;Bornstein, M.(ed.)
- Origins and outcomes of individual differences in emotion regulation;The development of emotion regulation, Monographs of SRCD serial No. 240, vol. 59, Nos, 2-3 Calkins, S.D.;Fox, N.(ed.)
- Aggression and antisocial behavior;Handbook of child psychology Social, emotional, and personality development, Vol. 3 Coie, J.D.;Dodge, K.A.;Damon, W.(ed.);Eisenberg, N.(ed.)
- Child Development v.67 Social information processing mechanisms in reactive and proactive aggression Crick, N.R.;Dodge, K.A.
- Child Development v.66 Relational aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment Crick, N.R.;Grotepeter, J.K.
- Child Development v.69 Response decision processes in relational and overt aggression Crick, N.R.;Werner, N.E.
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology v.106 Reactive and proactive aggression in school children and psychiatrically impaired chronically assaultive youth Dodge, K.A.;Lochman, J.E.;Harnish, J.;Bates, J.;Pettit, G.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.55 Social information processing factors in reactive and proactive agression in children's peer groups Dodge, K.;Coei, J.
- Emotion, regulation, and the development of social competence;Review of personality and social psychology(Vol. 14) Eisenberg, N.;Fabes, R.A.;Clark, M.S.(ed.)
- Child Development v.64 The relations of emotionality and regulation to preschoolers' social skills and sociometric status Eisenberg, N.;Fabes, R.A.;Bernzweig, J.;Karbon, M.;Poulin, R.;Hanish, L.
- Child Development v.64 Social and emotional competence in children of depressed others Goodman, S.H.;Brogan, D.;Lynch, M.E.;Fielding, B.
- Developmental Psychology v.25 no.3 Effects of marital discord on young children's peer interaction and health Gottman, J.M.;Katz, L.F.
- Merril-Palmer Quarterly v.25 Sex differences in neonatal eye contact time Hittleman, J.H.;Dickes, R.
- Child Development v.73 no.1 Child emotionality and maternal responsiveness as predictors of reunion behaviors in the strange situation Kochanska, G.;Coy, K.
- Child Development v.51 Sex difference in aggression : A rejoinder and reprise Maccoby, E.E.;Jacklin, C.N.
- Psychological Bulletin v.85 Stability of aggressive reaction patterns in males: A review Olweus, D.
- Psychological Bulltin v.102 Peer relations and later personal adjustment: Are low-accepted children at risk? Parker, J.G.;Asher, S.R.
- Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Overt aggression and relational aggression among sociometrically and perceived popular children and adolescents Rose, A.J.;Lockerd, E.M.;Swenson, L.P.
- Paper presented at ISSBD XIV Meeting in Beijing Correlates of victimization in chinese children's peer groups Schwartz, D.;Chang, L.;Farver, J.
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology v.26 Social-cognitive and behavioral correlates of aggression and victimization in boys' play groups Schwartz, D.;Dodge, K.A.;Coie, J.D.;Hubbard, J.A.;Cillessen, A.H.N.;Kemerise, E.A.;Bateman, H.
- Paper presented at ISSBD XIV Meeting in Beijing Community Violence Exposure as a Predictor of Aggression and Peer Victimization Schwartz, D.;Proctor, L.J.
- Developmental Psychology v.33 Emotion regulation in school-age children : The development of a new criterion Q-sort scale Shield, A.;Cicchetti. D.
- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology v.27 Reactive agression among maltreated children : The contribution of attention and emotion dysregulation Shield, A.;Cicchetti. D.
- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology v.29 Proactive and reactive aggression in delinquent adolescents : Relations to aggression outcome expectancies Smithmyer, C.M.;Hubbard, J.A.;Simons, R.F.
- Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1998, Socio-emotional development Emotion and self-regulation Thompson, R.A;Thompson, R.A.(ed.)
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development v.59 no.2-3 Emotion regulation: A theme in search of definition;The Development of Emotion regulation : Biological and behavioral Considerations Thompson, R.A.;Fox, N.(ed.)
- International Journal of Behavioral Development v.24 no.2 The development of aggressive behavior during childhood : What have we learned in the past century? Tremblay, R.E.
- Developmental Psychology v.35 no.1 Gender differences in emotional expressivity and Self-regulation during early infancy Weinberg, M.K.;Tronick, E.;Cohn, J.F.;Olson, K.