- 초등학생의 지각학습유형과 영어학습 책략의 상관관계에 관한 연구-6학년을 대상으로 권정숙
- 인지양식.학습전략과 학업성취간의 관계에 관한 연구 김선희
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- Journal of Educational Psychology v.70 Effect of cognitive style and learning passag organization on study technique effectivess Annis, L.F.
- Learning Strategies. Student Motivation Patterns and Subjectively Perceived Success;Cognitive Strategies and Educational Performance Biggs, J.B.;Kirby, J.R.(ed.)
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- Cognitive development Flavell, J.H.;Miller, P.H.;Miller, S.A.
- Identifying Learning Styles. the Annual Summer Workshop for Beginning Vocational Education Teacher(ERlC Document Service No. ED 424287) Gorden, H.R.
- Instructional designs for microcomputer courseware Jonassen, D.H.
- The children's embedded figures test Karp, S.A.;Konstadt, N.
- Journal of Educational Psychology v.85 Effects of signaling topic structure on text recall Lorch, R.F. Jr.;Lorch, E.P.;Inman, W.E.
- Journal of Educational Psychology v.90 A split-attention effect in multimedia learning : Evidence for dual processing systems in working memory Mayer, R.E.;Moreno, R.
- Cognitive style : Essence and origins field dependence and field independence Witkin, H.A.;Goodenough, D.R.
- Journal of Educational Psychology v.59 no.10 Discovery and expository task presentation in elementary mathematics Worthen, B.R.