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- Parent' Guide to Raising a Gifted Child; Recognizing and developing your child's potential Albino, G.
- An investigation of parenting efficacy Allen, E.C.
- Growing up Creative : Nurturing a Lifetime of Creativity Amabile, T.M.
- Self-Efficacy; The excercise of control Bandura, A.
- Rearing competent children;The nature Baumrind, D.;Damon, W.(ed.)
- Memories Of Parental Attitudes And Child-Rearing Behaviors Among The Intellectually Gifted And Creative Bisno, M.H.
- Developmental Psychology v.34 no.4 A cross-national study of self-evaluations and attributions in parenting : Argentina, Belgium, France, Israel, Italy, Japan and the United State Bornstein;Haynes;Azuma;Galperin;Maital;Ogino;Painer;Pascual;Pocheux;Rahn;Toda;Venuti;Vyt.;Wright
- Society, culture and person : A systems view of creativity;The nature of creativity Csikszentmihalyi;Sternberg, R.J.(ed.)
- Parent-Child Relationship, Personalities, And Family Environments Of High-Achieving Gifted Students. Ed. D. Carol, E.H.
- Parenting-a life span perspective Carole, A.M.;Karen, K.C.
- Optimizing Learning Clack, B.
- Developmental Review v.18 Self-efficacy and parenting quality : Finding and future applications Coleman;Karraker
- The neo personality inventory manual Costa;Macrae
- NEO-PI-R(Revised NEO-Personality Inventory) Costa;MaCrae
- Education of the gifted and talented Davism, G.A.;Rimm, S.
- Annual Review of Psychology v.41 personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model Digman, J.M.
- Journal of Marriage and family v.61 Parenting self-efficacy of HIV-infected mothers : The role of social support Dorsey
- Gifted Child Quarterly v.29 Giftedness and talent: Reexamining a reexamination of the definitions Gagne
- Journal of Creative Behavior v.12 Creativity and the gifted child movement Gowan, J.C.
- Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligence Gardner, H.
- Creating minds Gardner, H.
- Creativity and intelligence : Exploration with the Gifted child Getzels, J.;Jackson, P.
- Cradles of eminence Goertzel, V.;Goertzel, M.G.
- Journal of clinical child Psychology v.18 no.2 A measure of parenting satisfaction and efficacy Johnson, C.;Mash, E.J.
- The Family Kagan;Havreven
- Families and creativity;Encyclopedia of Creativity(vol. 1) Kerr, B.;Chopp, C.;Runco, M.A.;Steven, R.P.
- Family Factors And Self - Esteem In Gifted Versus Nongifted Children Kevin, E.
- Journal of research in personality v.30 Creativity and the Five-Factor Model Laura, A.K.;Lori, M.W.;Sheri, J.B.
- The SOl system for gifted education;Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted and talented Meeker, M.N.;Meeker, R.;Renzulli, J.S.(ed.)
- Journal og Genetic Psychology v.125 Personality characteristics of gifted Israeli children Millgram, R.M.;Millgram, N.A.
- Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Mothers and gifted preschoolsersteaching and learning strategies Moss, E.S.
- Exceptional Children v.35 Identifying Key features in programs for the gifted Renzulli, J.S.
- Gifted Child Quarterly v.32 Family environments og underachieving gifted students Rimm, S.B.;Lowe, B.
- Developmental trends in creative abilities and potentials;Encyclopedia of Creativity(vol. 1) Runco, M.A.;Runco, M.A.(ed.);Pritzker, S.R.(ed.)
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.49 Implicit theories of intelligence, creativity. and wisdom Sternberg, R.J.
- Gifted Children : Psychological and educational perspective Tannenbaum, A.J.
- What do we know about creativity?;The nature of creativity Tardif, T.Z.;Sternberg, R.J.;Sternberg, R.J.(ed.)
- Creativity in Early Childhood Classrooms Tegano;Moran;Sawyers
- Guiding Creative Talent Torrance, E.P.
- Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory Torrance, E.P.
- Khatenaorrance 창의적 성격검사요강 김영채(編譯)
- Torrance tests of creative thinking Torrance, E.P.
- Gifted Child Quarterly v.25 Childhood traits and environmental conditions of highly eminent adults Walberg, H.J.;Tsai, S.;Weinstein, T.;Gabriel, C.L.;Rasher, S.P.;Rosecrans, T.;Robai, E.;Ide, J.;Truijillo, M.;Vukosavich, P.
- Creativity, Genius and Other Myths Weisberg, R.W.