보호관찰 청소년과 일반 청소년의 도덕적 정서

Comparison of Moral Emotions in Juvenile Offenders on Probation with Non-offenders

  • 이희정 (천안대학교 사회복지학부 아동복지 전공) ;
  • 이성칠 (법무부 춘천보호관찰소)
  • 투고 : 2004.12.31
  • 심사 : 2005.02.19
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


Three types of socio-moral transgression events were used to test the moral emotions and attributions of 30 juvenile offenders on probation with a comparison group of 30 non-offenders. Data were analyzed by chi-square. Differences between juvenile offenders on probation and non-offenders were that juvenile offenders expected victimizers would feel happier and less guilty following such acts of victimization as physical harm, theft, and lying than the comparison group. Non-offenders were more likely than offenders to feel that victims would feel angry and upset. Juvenile offenders gave more variable and less adaptive emotional responses. Offenders provided victimization and emotional distance attributions, but the comparison group provided moral attributions or causal-dependent attributions such as fairness and justice.



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