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- Child Development v.63 Victimizers and their victims: Children's conceptions of the mixed emotional consequences of moral transgression Arsenio, W.;Kramer, R.
- Children's conceptions of sociomoral affect : Happy victimizers, mixed emotions and other expectancies;Morality in Everyday Life : Developmental Perspectives Arsenio, W.F.;Lover, A.;Killen, M.(ed.);Hart, D.(ed.)
- British Journal of Developmental Psychology v.14 Typical and behaviorally disruptive children's understanding of the emotional consequences of socio-moral events Arsenio, W.F.;Fleiss, K.
- Juvenile offenders' and comparison adolescents' conceptions of the emotional consequences of victimization : Relations with attachment and empathy Arsenio, W.;Sacks, B.;Shea, T.
- Child Development v.75 no.4 Aggression and moral development : Integrating social information processing and moral domain models Arsenio, W.;Lemerise, E.
- Journal of Neurology v.71 Neurocognitive models of aggression, the antisocial personality disorders, and psychopathy Blair, R.
- The continuity of maladaptive behavior: From description 10 understanding in the study of antisocial behavior;Developmental psychopathology. Volume 2. Risk, disorder and adaptation Caspi, A.;Moffitt, T.;Cicchetti, D.(ed.);Cohen, D.J.(ed.)
- Developmental Psychology v.32 Empathy in conductdisordered and comparison youth Cohen, D.;Strayer, J.
- Psychological Bulletin v.114 A review and reformulation of social information processing mechanisms in children's social adjustment Crick, N.;Dodge, K.
- Descartes' error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain Damasio, A.R.
- Somatic markers and the guidance of behavior : Theory and preliminary testing;Frontal lobe function and dysfunction Damasio, A.R.;Tranel, D.;Damasio, H.;Levin, H.S.(ed.);Eisenberg, H.M.(ed.);Benton, A.L.(ed.)
- Science v.264 The return of Phineas Gage: Clues about the brain from the skull of a famous patient Damasio, H.;Grabowski, T.;Frank, R.;Galaburda, A.M.;Damasio, A.R.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.53 Social-information-processing factors in reactive and proactive aggression in children's peer groups Dodge, K.;Coie, J.
- The structure and function of reactive and proactive aggression;The development and treatment of childhood aggression Dodge, K.A.;Pepler, D.J.(ed.);Rubin, K.H.(ed.)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology v.10 no.1 Empathy: A factor in antisocial behavior Ellis, P.L.
- Developmental Psychology v.35 no.2 Guilt, shame, and symptoms in children Ferguson, T.J.;Stegge, H.;Miller, E.R.;Olson, M.E.
- Developmental Review v.12 Risk taking in adolescence: A decision-making perspective Furby, L.;Beyth-Marom, R.
- Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry v.45 no.5 Social communication deficits in conduct disorder : A clinical and community survey Gilmour, J.;Hill, B.;Place, M.;Skuse, D.
- Developmental psychology v.11 Development synthesis of affect and cognition and its implication for altruistic motivation Hoffman, M.L.
- Empathy, social cognition, and moral action;Handbook of moral behavior and development Hoffman, M.L.;Kurtines, W.(ed.);Gewirtz, J.(ed.)
- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry v.38 no.2 Practitioner review: Psychosocial treatments for conduct disorder in children Kazdin, A.
- American Psychologist v.28 The process of causal attribution Kelly, H.H.
- Annual Review of Psychology v.31 Attribution theory and research Kelly, H.H.;Michela, J.
- From Is to Ought; How to commit to naturalistic fallacy and get away which it in the study of moral development;Cognitive development and epistomology Kohlberg, L.;Mischel, T.(ed.)
- The relationship of moral judgment to moral action;Morality, moral behavior, and moral development Kohlberg, L.;Candee, D.;Kurtines, W.M.(ed.);Gewirtz, J.L.(ed.)
- Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry v.45 no.4 Theories of conduct disorder ; A causal modeling analysis Krol, N.;Morton, J.;De Bruyn, E.
- Child Development v.71 no.1 An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing Lemerise;Arsenio
- Psychological Review v.100 Adolescence-limited and life-course-persistent antisocial behavior : A developmental taxonomy Moffitt, T.E.
- Child Development v.59 Children's understanding of moral emotions Nunner-Winkler, G.;Sodian, B.
- Antisocial boys Patterson, G.;Reid, J.;Dishion, T.
- The Moral Judgement of the Child Piaget
- Emotions: A psychoevolutionary synthesis Plutchik, R.
- Adolescence v.32 no.127 Victim awareness programs for delinquent youths : Effects on moral reasoning maturity Putnins, A.
- Psychopathy and differential insensitivity;Psychopathic Behavior Rotenberg, M.;Hare, R.D.(ed.);Schalling, D.(ed.)
- Human Development v.37 The relation between moral judgment and behavior : A social-cognitive and decision-making analysis Saltzstein, H.D.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.52 Emotion knowledge: Further exploration of a prototype approach Shaver, R.;Schwartz, J.;Kirson, D.;O'Connor, C.
- Morality and conduct disorders;Handbook of developmental psychopathology Smetana, L.;Lewis, M.(ed.);Miller, S.(ed.)
- Developmental Psychology v.35 no.1 Maltreated and nonmaltreated preschoolers' conceptions of hypothetical and actual moral transgressions Smetana, J.G.;Toth, S.L.;Cicchetti, D.;Bruce, J.;Kane, P.;Daddis, C.
- The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention Turiel, E.