- 한국심리학회지 : 상담 및 심리치료 v.13 no.3 부적응 청소년집단의 애착유형연구 김재희;주은선
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- 저소득 결손가족 청소년의 적응 결정요인 오승환
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- American Psychologist v.44 Attaclunents beyond infancy Ainsworth, M.D.S.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.15 The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attaclunent: Individual Difference and Their Relationship to Psychological Well-Being in Adolescence Armsden, G.C.;Greenberg, M.T.
- A secure: Clinical applications of attachment theory Bowlby
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.71 no.4 Working models of attachment : Implication for explanation, emotion, and behavior Collins, N.L.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.74 no.6 Adult attachment styles: Their relations to family context and personality Diehl, M.;Elnick, A.B.;Bourbeau, L.S.;Labouvie-Vief, G.
- Journal of Abnormal Psychology v.103 no.3 Prospective investigation of the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage, life stress, and social support on early adolescent adjustment DuBois, D.D.;Felner, R.D.;Meares, H.;Krier, M.
- American Psychologist v.48 Develpoment during adolescence : The impact of stage/enviroment fit Eccles, J.S.;Midgley, C.;Wigfield, A.;Buchanan, C.M.;Reuman, D.;Flanagan, C.;Maclver, D.
- American Behavioral Scientist v.34 Resiliency and vulnerability to adverse developmental outcomes associated with poverty Garmezy, N.
- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry v.29 A longitudinal study of depressive symptomatology in young adolescents Garrison, C.Z.
- Journal of Youth Adolescence v.12 The nature and importance of attachment relationship to parents and peers during adolescence Greenberg, M.T.;Siegel, J.M.;Leithch, C.J.
- American Psychologist v.44 Marital transitions: A child's perspective Herthrtinghton, E.M.
- Family and school as educational institution Hess, R.D.;Holloway, S.D.;Parke, R.D.(ed.)
- Journal of Presonality and Social Psychology v.51 Personality, coping and family resources in stress resistance : A longitudinal analysis Holahan, C.J.;Moos, R.H.
- Child Development v.55 Bridging the gap: Paren-child play interaction and peer interactive competence MacDonald, K.;Parke, R.D.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psycholigy v.71 no.4 Working models of attachment: Implication for Explnation, emotion, and behavior Nancy, L.C.
- Resiliency enhancement Norman, E.
- Child Development v.68 no.5 Supportive parenting, ecological context, and children's adjustment: a seven-tear longitudinal study Pettit, G.S.;Bates, J.E.;Dodge, K.A.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.24 Adolescent attachment to parents and friends in relation to aspects of self-esteem Paterson, J.;Pryor, J.;Field, J.
- Journal of Youth Adolescence v.21 Perceived attachment to parents and peers and psychological well-being in adolescence Raja, S.N.;McGee, R.;Stanton, W.R.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.19 Attachment in adolescence; A narrative and meta-analytic review Rice, K.G.
- Journal of Adolescent Research Academic functioning and mental health in adolescence : patterns, progressions, and routes from childhood Roeser, R.W.;Eccles, J.S.;Freedman-Doan, C.
- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry v.57 Psychosocial resilience and protective mechanisms Rutter, M.
- Journal of Counseling Psychology v.47 no.3 Parental attachment styles of late adolescents : Qualities of attachment relationships and consequences for adjustment Vivona, J.M.
- Gender difference in depression in adolescence;Encyclopedin of adolescence Weissman, M.M.;Klerman, G.L.;Lernerm, R.M.(ed.);Petersen, A.C.(ed.);Brooks-Gunn(ed.)
- Journal of Studies on Alcohol v.47 no.1 Resilient offspring of alcoholics: A longitudinal Study from birth to age 18 Werner, E.