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- American Journal of Psychiatry v.150 Depressive comorbidity in children and adolescents, empirical, theoretical and methodological issues Angold, A.;Costello, E.J.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychological Bulletin v.107 The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research : Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations Baron, R.;Kenny, D.
- Psychological Bulletin v.88 Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analysis of covariance structures Bentler, P.M.;Bonett, D.G.
- Alternative ways of assessing model fit;Testing structural equation models Brown, M.W.;Cudeck, R.;Bollen, K.A.(ed.);Long, J.S.(ed.)
- American Journal of Psychiatry v.137 no.4 Unmasking masked depression in children and adolescents Carlson, G.A.;Cantwell, D.A.
- Child Development v.27 The children's form of the Manifest Anxiety Scale Castenada, A.;McCandless, B.R.;Palermo, D.S.
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- Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy v.19 Unconditional self-acceptance and responses to negative feedback Chamberlain, J.M.;Haaga, D.A.F.
- Reason and emotion in psychotherapy Ellis, A.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.43 Effect of irrational beliefs on emotional arousal Goldfried, M.R.;Soboncinski, D.
- Journal of Personality & Social Psychology v.60 Perfectionism in the self and social context : Conceptualization, assessment, and association with psychopathology Hewitt, P.L.;Flett, G.L.
- Advances in factor analysis and structural equation models Joreskog, K.G.;Sorbom, D.
- American Journal of Psychiatry v.144 Seriously depressed preschoolers Kashani, J.H.;Carlson, G.A.
- An empirical-clinical approach toward a definition of childhood depression;Depression in childhood diagnosis, treatment and conceptual models Kovacs, M.;Beck, A.T.;Schulterbrandt, J.G.(ed.);Raskin, A.(ed.)
- Journal Of American Academic Child and Adolescents Psychiatry v.345 Major depression in community adolescents age at onset, episode duration and time to recurrence Lewinsohn, P.M.;G.N.;Seeley, J.R.;Rohde, P.
- Your inner child of the past Missildine, W.H.
- 원만한 정서생활을 가로막는 몸에 밴 어린 시절 이종범(譯);이석규(譯)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology v.6 What I think and feel: a revised measure of children's manifest anxiety Reynolds, C.R.;Richmond, B.O.
- Counseling and psychotherapy Rogers, C.R.
- Child Development v.66 Cognitive representations of self, family, and peers, in school-aged children links with social competence and sociometric status Rudolph, K.D.;Hammen, C.;Burge, D.
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