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- 중국 흑룡강성 한인동포의 생활문화 국립민속박물관
- 중학생의 학교적응, 학업성취, 정서 및 문제행동의 관계 노숙영
- 한국인의 부모자녀 관계 박영신;김의철
- 대한가정학회지 v.43 no.3 연변 지역의 조선족과 한족 및 한국 아동의 기질 비교 박혜원;박민정
- 아동학회지 v.26 no.1 부모, 또래 및 교사가 아동의 자아개념발달에 미치는 영향에 관한 문화적 비교연구 : 한국과 중국 심양 조선족 초등학생을 중심으로 박혜원;이사라
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- 대한가정학회지 v.43 no.5 부모, 또래, 교사가 아동과 청소년의 자아개념발달에 미치는 영향 : 중국 조선족과 한국 아동 및 청소년 비교 이사라;박혜원
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- 대한가정학회지 청소년기 자녀의 부모에 대한 애착과 자아개념과의 관계에 관한 연구 정현희;오미경
- 한국심리학회지 v.10 no.특집호 한국문화에서 청소년이란 무엇인가? 최상진;김양하;황인숙
- 한국심리학회지 : 임상 v.19 no.1 구조방정식 모형의 적합도 지수 선정기준과 그 근거 홍세희
- American Psychologist v.44 Attachment beyond infancy Ainsworth, M.D.S.
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.64 Attachment insecurity and related severe adolescent psychopathology: An eleven year follow-up study Allen, J.P.;Hauser, S.T.;Borman-Spurrell, E.
- Child Development v.69 no.5 Attachment and adolescent psychosocial functioning Allen, J.P.;Moore, C.M.;Kuperminc, G.P.;Bell, K.L.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.16 The inventory of parent and peer attachment : Individual differences and their relationship to psychological well-being in adolescence Armsden, G.C.;Greenberg, M.T.
- Self-efficacy: The exercise of control Bandura, A.
- Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the society for research in child development Adolescent mother interaction and attachment : A longitudinal study Becker-stroll, F.;Fremmer-Bombik, E.
- Journal of Adolescence Research v.8 Attachment and perceived social support in late adolescence : The interaction between working models of self and others Blani, M.;Thompson, J.;Whiffen, V.
- Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Attachment Bowlby, J.
- Attachment and loss: Vol. 2. Separation : Anxiety and anger Bowlby, J.
- Attachment and loss: Vol. 3. Loss Bowlby, J.
- Journal of College Students Development v.34 Relationships between attachment and coping resources among late adolescents Brack, G.;Gay, M.;Matheny, K.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.74 no.5 Attachment styles, emotion regulation, and adjustment in adolescence Cooper, M.L.;Shaver, P.R.;Collins, N.L.
- International Journal of Behavior Development v.23 no.1 Social competence, maternal attentiveness, and overprotectiveness : Only children in Korea Doh, H.S.;Falbo, T.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.12 The nature and importance of attachment relationships to parents and peers during adolescence Greenberg, M.T.;Siegel, J.M.;Leitch, C.J.
- Manual for the self-concept profile for adolescents Harter, S.
- Historical roots of contemporary issues involving self-concept;Handbook of self-concept : Developmental, social, and clinical considerations Harter, S.;Bracken, B.A.(ed.)
- Journal of Educational Psychology v.91 The identification of self-verification in the formation of children's academic self-concept Hay, I.;Ashman, A.F.;van Kraayenoord, C.E.;Stewart, A.
- Developmental Psychology v.32 Peer relationships and preadolescents' perception of security in the mother-child relationship Kerns, K.A.;Klepac, L.;Cole, A.K.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescents v.14 Separation-individuation and ego identity status in New Zealand university students Kroger, J.
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.17 Separation-individuation and ego identity status in late adolescence : A two-year longitudinal study Kroger, J.;Haslett, S.J.
- Journal of Counselling and Development v.68 Adolescent attachment, identity and adjusttnent to college : Implications for the continuity of adaptation hypothesis Lapsley, D.K.;Rice, K.G.;FitGerald, D.P.
- Journal of Research on Adolescence v.8 Attachment to parents, social support expectations, and socioemotional adjustment during the high school-college transition Larose, S.;Boivin, M.
- Journal of Counseling Psychology v.51 no.2 Parental attachment, separation-individuation, and college student adjustment : A structural equation analysis of mediational effects Mattanah, J.F.;Hancock, G.R.;Brand, B.L.
- Journal of Youth Adolescence v.23 no.1 Parent-child attachment working models and self-esteem in adolescence McCormick, C.B.;Kennedy, J.H.
- Self-concept in a school setting Morse, W.C.
- Journal of Early Adolescence v.11 Adolescent perceived attachment to parents in relation to competence, depression, and anxiety: A longitudinal study Papini, D.R.;Roggman, L.A.
- Journal of Adolescent Research v.2 Adolescent autonomy and ego identity : A structural equations approach to the continuity of adaptation Quintana, S.M.;Lapsley, D.K.
- Journal of Counselling & Development v.73 Cross-sectional and longitudinal examination of attachment, separation-individuation, and college student adjustment Rice, K.G.;FitzGerald, D.P.;Whaley, T.J.;Gibbs, C.L.
- Personality Processes and Individual differences v.70 Adult attachment security and symptoms of depression : The mediating roles of dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem Roberts, J.E.;Gotlib, I.H.;Kassel, J.D.
- The American Freshman : National norms for '1999 Sax, L.;Astin, A.;Korn, W.;Mahoney, K.
- On the structure of self-concept;Anxiety and cognition Shavelson, R.J.;Marsh, H.W.;Schwarzwe, R.(ed.)
- Dissertation Abstracts International : Section B. The Sciences and Engineering v.62 no.9-B The relationship between selfconcept and achievement : A meta-analytic review Valentine, J.C.
- Journal of Counselling Psychology v.47 Parental attachment styles of late adolescents : Qualities of attachment relationships and consequences for adjustment Vivona, J.
- Child Development v.71 A secure base from which to explore close relationships Waters, E.;Cumming, E.M.