Shrink-Wrapped Boundary Face Algorithm for Mesh Reconstruction from Unorganized Points

  • 투고 : 2004.08.30
  • 발행 : 2005.04.30


A new mesh reconstruction scheme for approximating a surface from a set of unorganized 3D points is proposed. The proposed method, called a shrink-wrapped boundary face (SWBF) algorithm, produces the final surface by iteratively shrinking the initial mesh generated from the definition of the boundary faces. SWBF surmounts the genus-0 spherical topology restriction of previous shrink-wrapping-based mesh generation techniques and can be applied to any type of surface topology. Furthermore, SWBF is significantly faster than a related algorithm of Jeong and others, as SWBF requires only a local nearest-point-search in the shrinking process. Our experiments show that SWBF is very robust and efficient for surface reconstruction from an unorganized point cloud.



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