학교보건교육 현황 및 개선방안

The Present State and Improvements of Health Education in Schools

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Purposes: This review is designed to assess the current status of health education in Korea, to identify problems within the curriculum, and to suggest ways to improve health education in Korea. Results: Korean schools currently lack a regular standardized health education curriculum. Subjects related to health education are presently taught in other disciplines, such as physical education, home management, biology, and other related subjects. The Korean health education curriculum suffers from many significant problems, including a lack of educational goals for health education, absence of designated time for health education, a lack of continuity between contents, knowledge-oriented health education, and an overall disconnect with the needs of the students. Other problems include an exclusion of health education experts in the development of the curriculum, no designated times for health education within the regular curriculum, and a lack of health teachers in schools. Conclusion: To improve health education in schools, standard health education curriculum should be developed. Health education curriculum needs to be sequential, comprehensive, and skill-based. Health education needsto be a essential subject, health teachers need to be trained, and provided with technical support.



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