An Empirical Study on Knowledge Sharing among Individuals in Public Institutions : A Social Exchange Theory Approach

공공기관 내 구성원간의 지식공유에 관한 연구: 사회교환이론 관점에서

  • 마은경 (중부대학교 경영정보학과) ;
  • 김명숙 (충남대학교 경영학과)
  • Published : 2005.06.30


Individual recognizes knowledge sharing as a transaction action. This transaction occurring in knowledge sharing is considered as a special and complicated transaction derived from employee's relationship rather than a economic transaction. In addition, It is important that knowledge sharing among individuals is established through a closed interrelationship with situation. In this point of view, knowledge sharing can be explained by a social exchange relationship. Therefore, there are two study's purpose as follows. First, The study draws factors affecting to knowledge sharing in the view of social exchange theory. The study reviews factors that are presented at previous social exchange theories and affecting to knowledge sharing focused on organization contingency traits, relationship traits, and individuals traits among individuals in an organization. Second, even though trust and organization involvement is resulted in above affecting factors, most previous studies are mainly examined as the same level to other factors affecting to knowledge sharing. Thus, this paper focused that the above factors affect to trust and organization involvement that affect to knowledge sharing intention. That is, this study presents that when affecting factors mediate trust and involvement, there is a knowledge sharing intention for creating organization knowledge. For the study, 160 government employees are administered for the survey so that the research model and hypothesis are developed. Empirical study shows that in public organizations knowledge sharing affects to relationship traits factors and individuals traits affects trust and organization involvement. Also, it is examined that trust and organization involvement affecting to knowledge sharing intention in such a sequence.

개인은 지식의 공유를 일종의 거래 행위로 지각하고 있다. 이러한 지식공유에서 발생하는 거래는 경제적인 거래라기보다는 조직과 종업원간의 관계의 성격에서 파생되는 특수하고도 복잡한 형태의 거래로 추측된다. 특히 개인들 간의 상호작용을 통한 지식공유는 상황과 긴밀한 상호관련성에 의해 형성된다. 따라서 지식공유는 사회적 교환관계에 의해 설명이 가능하다고 볼 수 있다. 공공기관에 종사하는 178명의 공무원들을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 분석한 결과, 공공기관 내 구성원간의 지식 공유는 관계특성요인과 개인특성요인이 신뢰와 조직몰입의 형성에 영향을 미치고, 형성된 신뢰와 조직몰입이 지식공유의도에 영향을 미치는 순차적인 단계를 거쳐 이루어짐을 확인할 수 있었다.



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